The weekend before the exams, I went to a buffet at Four Points with my dad.

Now normally, we would not come to eat at this sort of places because
1) It's expansive. It's like RM60++ per head.
2) Its not worth paying 60 bucks for a meal.
We came because we got a free coupon for two, during the
MMA Dinner awhile back as a lucky draw prize. So my dad and I came with empty stomach ready to be filled. I was what you would call '
sakai'. I have never been in a place with so much food! And it's all free!!

The area was probably the size of 4 tennis courts. The interior design was interesting. Whoever decorated this place obviously loved pepper grinders, cause they were every way.

They also had nice deco like this.

and this,

Sorry its quite blur.
When I first saw the food in the cylinder tubes, I though you could stick your hand inside and take it out. Apparently not.
I found the way they marked their salt and pepper shaker ingenious.

The spread of food available was wide.
There was

Prawns, oysters, clams and other types of seafood,

A salad bar,

Chinese cooked food,

'What should I eat?'
Your normal hocker stall food.

Mousehunt anyone?
There was also Italian, soup, bread, pancakes and a lot of other stuff.

The dessert bar heaven to me. Never before have I seen so much cheese cake at one place, which I could eat without paying.

My favorite part of the dessert section was this.

Yes, it's a bowl full of liquid chocolate. All you chocolate lovers out there, stare at this and start drooling over your keyboard. Now all it needed was a chocolate fountain, and my day would have been perfect.
So for starters I had Italian.

There's pizza, pasta, squid rings, macaroni and
pau at the background.
Round 2, I decided to try Kuchings most famous dish. Kolo Mee.

Obviously, since they could not cook it with the usual pork lard and the traditional
char siew, it tasted weird. It's nothing when compared to our 2.50 kolo mee, but I give it 5/10.
Round 3, I decided to eat breakfast, during dinner.

Pancakes, raw salmon, and a slice of beef.
Next up was dessert.

I really liked the jelly. They put it into small cup, like the ones people use to drink vodka or whiskey. So you can just gulp in down in one go.

I know it looks like I didn't eat much, but I had other dish, like sarawak laksa, this was bland. Ice kacang, marshmallow with chocolate syrup. So on and so forth.
At the dessert section, there were jars of candy. And Malaysian, being Malaysian, when there are freebies we grab it. I saw groups of people take out sweet and lollipops my the hand full.
In fact, while I was getting dessert, I overheard this conversation.
Unknown 1: Psst anyone looking??
Unknown 2: No...quick..
*Hears a shuffling sound*
I though they were planting a bomb or something, so I took a peek to see what they were doing. There they were, two ladies stuffing candy into their handbags like there was no tomorrow. I was like, seriously people... If it was a group of kids or teenagers I would understand, but middle aged ladies???

While I was taking these pictures, one of the waitress came over and told me I couldn't take pictures. I though okay, I'll just take them later in secret . However throughout the meal I saw heaps of people snapping photos left right and center, and no one was stopping them.
Why did they stop me? Was it because I'm a teenager? Or maybe because, I was using my phone to take the pictures. Or maybe the waitress was jealous that I was tall, so she decided to '
kacau' me.
Anyway before I end this post, while I was at the toilet I saw this.

Some idiot, left his cigarette bud in the toilet bowl!!