NO. I didn't go there for vacation. I went there to compete in the State Level Marching Band Competition Sarawak Division.
So we left for Sibu on 20th May(Wednesday). Woke up at 4am cause I had to be in school by 5am though I don't know why. We only left at 7:20am. So we had 3 separate buses. To be more accurate 2 buses and 1 coach.
Some small fishing village.
I'll be brief from now on, cause if I were to blog about everything the occurred in Sibu. It'll be a VERY LLLLLLLOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG post.
So we took 8 hours to get to Sibu and settle into our hotel. We stayed in some place called Hotel Bahagia. It was perfectly fine to me. I've slept in worst places. But I could see quite a few people were being picky and fussy. Being the spoilt brats they are.
So what we did in Sibu before the competiton was......... practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, eat, sleep, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, eat, sleep, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice, practice.
If you had read the words properly you would have seen the words 'eat' and 'sleep' appear twice.
*Details on the competition will be on another post*
The evening before the competition. there was a beautiful sunset and a very interesting cloud formation.
Really cool.
Don't they look like cotton buds?
Trumpeters!! Thanks, Leslie for the photo.
So after the competition, I was down hearted, but I put up a happy face for people to see. There were enough upset people already. Emotional Control people!!! ( You can probably guess how we did).
Well most of us went to KFC right next to our hotel. When we first saw it, people were like 'Oooh......Eeeee.............Aaaaaa'. I'm like WT...? It's just KFC. And I eat KFC on an average of once a year if I'm lucky.No. I'm not lying. Seriously!
It's finger licking good!
Admittedly, I did stuff myself after the competition. So later that night we all went over the Wisma Sanyan which apparently according to my friend is the only major shopping complex in Sibu. Oh yes, before I forget, Sibu drivers are rude. They have no sense of street courtesy.
Can you believe over 20 people bought a 25 dollar hat from the same shop. The shop owner must be SO happy. Oh and after 16 years I ate not 1 but 2 McFlurry's. Really nice.
After the Wisma Sanyan trip, Leslie invited me to go over to RH Hotel and chit chat in a room his mum was staying in. So Leslie, Cindy, Lester, Wei Nie, and me went over to RH Hotel. We talked about alot of stuff. But thats classified. Nothing illegal or anything.( That makes even more suspicious doesn't it?)
Us lazying around in the room.
His mum was out with his uncle. But she ordered room service and got ice-cream for us. It was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S. We were so surprised when we saw how big they were. And I had eaten two Mcflurry's before hand to boot.
Cherry anyone?
We left Sibu and headed back to Kuching the next day. Almost everyone, including myself, got sick during the ride back. And the fact the we were watching a horror movie wasn't helping. Anyway the trip back was shorter for some odd reason. Might be cause our driver drove at 120km\h. OK. Mabye not THAT fast, but it was fast.
With that the 2009 Competition Season ended. Look out 2010!! We'll be Back!
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Oddity written