So anyway, after church I headed straight to The Spring. I guess I was the first to arrive cause I didn't see anyone else. So while I was waiting for them to arrive, I was watching to event going on in The Spring. I think it was some break dance thingy....
There's a little kid!
Finally they all arrived, and we walked around for a bit when I saw some cosplayer. The best part was you could take pictures of them with out paying!!
Some dude from One Piece, and some other guy. Don't recognise him.
More cosplayers.
Even more of them.
After my brief 'photography' session we headed over to the food bazaar to have lunch. Actually everybody expect me and Melissa already had lunch, so it was essentially just me and Melissa eating.
After we had eaten, Pamela arrived, so while she went to get some lunch, I popped by Big Apple and bought a box of 6 donuts and shared with Leslie, Lester and Melissa. Obviously they paid for their own donuts. I'm not THAT generous.
After lunch we just lazed around wondering from shop to shop. Looking at phones, CD's, books, and other oddities.
I finally bought what I've been wanting to buy since Form 2.
I finally bought a 1/100 Gundam model. This baby cost me RM 154.90. This really out a dent into my wallet. But I say it's worth the money. I'm gonna assemble it, sometime this week.
Anyways, after lazing around for a couple of hours we headed over the Secret Recipe. We went there cause Brenda wanted to go and she's the birthday girl so......ya.....
I had a Cheese Choz cake over there. Since I didn't want a whole slice cause I was quite full from lunch. I shared a slice with Melissa.
Looks scrumptious.
After eating the cake I had to go. However the others stayed back so if you want to know what happened after I left. Check Melissa's or Brenda's blog.
The person with blue hair beside Luffy from One Piece is Zack from FFVII Crisis Core