Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Band Camp Day 2

*There will no more pictures for the rest of the band camp post, cause I have no energy to take them. If they are... then your lucky.

Okay. I survived day 2. Big surprise. I really thank God that I felt better. Yesterday I had a major headache, high fever, and a really bad sore throat. I still have a slight sore throat and a bit of headache, but other than that I'm ok.

So as usual we had our physical training. I felt a bit nauseous but I didn't throw-up. Later we did formation till lunch break. We didn't have any break from around 9:40am-11:45am. Thats like 2 hours++ under the scorching hot sun. Lunch was like a revival pack for me.

In the afternoon, we did music practice. After that we did formation again, but we were just marking and memorising our position. We did till set 40.

I didn't go for night practice cause I had to go to my add maths tuition. However I heard that the badn did until set 26 with marching.

Wish me luck for day 3.


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