Last saunday, I went out with some of my friends to the Kuching Festival. If I'm not mistaken I went on the last day, so some stalls were already closed.

It was the usual stuff as always, except that the festival this year was cut short due to the clash with the fasting season of the Muslims.

The prices of the food here was slight more expensive, than the normal prices outside. but somebody didn't pay for their pizza though
*cough* mel *cough*
Foodwise it was okay.. but the shops selling stuff..... Lots of English mistakes and they
sold lots of weird stuff
Example 1:

In reality it's a spectacle box. My Mandrin nearly non-existent but I'm pretty sure the the chinese words say spectacle box. But in English it becomes 'Spectacular Box!!'
Imagine a advertisment for this.
'Buy this box and put your spectacles in it, and watch it become SPECTACULAR!!'
Honestly people, get some English classes. I can imagine an Ang Mo looking at the box, trying to find what's so spectacular about it.
Example 2:

Cant decide between Liverpool or Arsenal?? Have no fear! Buy the new 2 in 1 football keychain
Only for Liverpool and Arsenal fans.
Example 3:

Who on earth in their right mind will buy this??
The only use I can think for this, is to play a prank on your friends birthday.
Everyone: Happy birthday to you!!
Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights* Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights* Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights* Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights* Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights*Friend:* Blows out candle*
*Candle relights* *I fall down with fits of laughter*
Amazing what people can think of nowadays.