I don't know why but almost every girl I know camwhores. In fact I know some guys who do...
If you don't know what it is, you're living under a rock.
Camwhoring is essentially to me, EXCESSIVELY taking pictures of yourself. Seriously, I have a friend who actually filled a 4GB memory card just with pictures of herself. That's like 4 digits worth of pictures!
This is really too much man...
The most common place to camwhore is the bathroom... i think..
Why so? is the bathroom that nice of a place to take pictures?
Do you have any idea how hard it was to get these few pic? It's amazing how many people camwhore, and how little people are willing to give me just one photo.
It's kinda redundant you know, to camwhore and then hide the pic away. Makes the whole point of taking pictures well.... pointless

These are the 2 most frequent situation I ever encounter.
Situation 1
Me: hey, can I see your phone?
Friend: OKay just don't look at my pictures.
Me:....... why....?
Friend: *after great reluctance cause i don't want you to see my camwhore pic..
Me:=.=' then don't take it duh....
Situation 2
Me: Hey can I have a look at your photos?
Friend: OKay. hands over the phone
2 nanoseconds later
Friend: *snatches it back
Me: wha...?
Friend: I forgot to take out my camwhore pics
Me: you can't be serious......
At least, some pic are actually nice. I've seen some really horrible ones, which are sloppy crappy and just make you uglier..
Another annoying thing I see in camwhore pics, is when you take you reflection in the mirror. Great, now the pic has a camera in it... I mean, why do you do that?
Oh, and every time there is a dinner of some sort and a bathroom with a decent mirror, girls will go in hoards to take pictures of their reflection. Individually or as a group. Leaving all the men alone at the table...haha
At least most people have the decency to just use their camera phone to take their pictures or a average camera.
However since DSLR cameras became affordable to the main masses, this form of camwhoring has started.
How can you do that!?
How can you waste a perfectly good camera to camwhore!?
You're doing injustice to the camera, stop it!
It's like buying a BMW luxury car and using it in a drag race. Completely Pointless.
I'm waiting for the day when people start using fibre optic cameras to camwhore. LOL
P/s I will not give out any of the numbers of these people if you ask me for their number
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