*inspired by a post on Facebook
The main differences between me and Edward Cullen. Despite have the name first name.
1) He's pale as hell, and I'm so dark people are calling me chocolate.

2) Girls are lining up to marry Edward Cullen and self proclaiming themselves as his fiance, and I cant even get a girl to look at me let alone be my girlfriend.
3) Edward Cullen drinks blood while I feel faint at the sight of too much blood.
4) Edward Cullen has superhuman strength, while all I have is nothing..
5) Edward Cullen(in this case the actor) looks like he's on drugs, while I just look fat.
6) When people say 'I'm hotter then you' to Edward Cullen they mean temperature. When they say that to me it means they're hotter than me.
7) I spent the last 6 months under the sun and gets black. He goes under the sun and glows.
8) He's fictional and I'm real, but girls still prefer him.
9) I have a blog while he doesn't.
10) He has a girl to protect, while I have nothing
And lastly, here's the quote of the day:
Edward Cullen isn't a vampire. He lives in the forest, roams around the trees, doesn't kill people and glitters. So he is obviously a fairy.