I've now realised why majority of relationships during secondary school life, especially lower forms don't last.
Here's why:
The emotional and mental stress is enormous.
The stress being in a relationship, or trying to be in one is just huge. Most people during lower secondary aren't mature mentally enough to manage the stress properly.
Which is why they resort the things like deep depression, cutting oneself, and others stuff which I don't know and don't wanna know about.
Liking someone is not just 'like that'. It involves a lot of mental difficulties and stress. One moment you can over the moon and the next you can be down. If you aren't mature enough, you're just gonna cause trouble for yourself, the other person in the long run.
Sometimes being in 'love' can blind you.. and make you do things you normally wouldn't do in a sane state of mind. It can change you attitude and perception of life.
And sometimes you reach that point in life where you ask yourself: why? why do I put myself through so much trouble? Wouldn't it be easier to just let it go?
Then you start to give up, and lo and behold, you break up.
But if you really like the person and you are ready for a relationship. No matter what obstacles you may come across, persevere and maybe you will succeed.
I can't say what happens when you persevere, cause I myself dunno the answer to that.