Last week my school had their sports day. It was held quite late this year for some odd reason. Normally it's held very earlier in the year, around Chinese New Year.
I didn't do much expect sell fruits, march, perform and run for 1 event.
So the YCS club decided to sell fruits this year. A very good choice, cause on both days by noon all the fruits were sold. I expect the hot weather and our reasonably price refreshing fruits were the contributing factor.

We got up at the crack of dawn to go over to the stadium to get a good spot to set up our stall, cause it was a first come first serve basis on who got what space. I kinda overslept, so you can imagine waking up finding your friends in your house........


As you can see, we were selling honeydew, guava, and pineapple. And for some odd reason I kept on calling honeydew either watermelon or wintermelon......
One of the YCS ex-members, Evelyn, Julie's older sister came and helped out a lot. I mean alot.

100M dash.
So anyways........... later in the day was the opening ceremony and the band was marching and performing our 2009 drill show. We didn't qualify for the marching competition because we had too many people.

Drumline doing their stuff.
So after the performance I headed back.
The next wasn't very eventful. All I did was sell more fruits and run the 3000m steeple chase.
I got last..... well actually I was the last to finish, two guys dropped out half way through. I now have very painful legs.